Tito Yuwono, M.Sc


Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology
Islamic University of Indonesia
Jalan Kaliurang KM 14 Yogyakarta Indonesia
Telp. +62-274895287
Fax. +62-274895007

Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


MemberĀ of Research and Technology Department, KIPMI

Tito Yuwono was born in Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, on 11th of December 1976. He received the ST (Bachelor) degree in Electrical engineering from Gadjah Mada university (GMU), Yogyakarta Indonesia in 2000. He also received M.Sc degree in Electrical, Electronics and System Engineering from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2005. He joined Electrical engineering Department, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in 2000 as lecturer. He was a Head of Department ini 2006-2010, 2010-2014. Now, his position is Head of Internal Audit in UII. His current research interests include communication (application wireless network for early warning system and environment) and Biomedical instrumentation development.


  1. Design of The Short Intensity of Raining Monitoring as Early Warning of Flood Disaster, Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 9 No 2 September 2009.

  2. Design of The Toxic Gases Monitoring for Merapi Mountain, Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 12 No 2 September 2012


  1. Performance Of Smart Antenna And Beamforming Technique for 3G WCDMA Systems, International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and Systems (ICTS), Surabaya-INDONESIA, 2008

  2. Capacity And Quality Improvement In The 3G WCDMA System Employing Smart Antenna, ICGES UTM Malaysia, Johor-MALAYSIA, 2008

  3. Yagi Antenna Design on Wireless LAN 2,4 GHz, ICGES UTM Malaysia, Johor-MALAYSIA, 2008

  4. A Hata Based Model With Correction Formula for Terrain Areas, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication System, Servicess, and Applications (TSSA), Bali-INDONESIA, 2011

  5. GOS Performance Comparison of a FCA and DCA Channel Assignment Technique of Urban Microcell in Manhattan Environment, The First International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, and Electronic Telecommunication, Bali-INDONESIA, 2012

  6. Design of The Early Warning System for Flood disaster, National Conference RETII, Yogyakarta-INDONESIA, 2013

  7. Design of Water Quality Telemonitoring Using Zigbee, International Conference on Chemical, Agricultural, and Medical Science, Kuala Lumpur-MALAYSIA, 2013

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